Foremost, the entries in this blog do not express ideas or beliefs of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps. Following that though I will mention the third goal of Peace Corps: "Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans." Time (and mainly your comments) will tell indicate my level of success.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Waking up in Guatemala.

My spanish ability has yet to reach the dreaming stage. While I do find myself trying to translate even when I am talking to someone who knows english, my conversations with my host family are still quite laughable. And slow.

I have been in Guatemala for almost a month and have two months left of training until I swear in as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I can not imagine I have any clever, oringinal ancedotes about what life as a trainee is like. Peace Corps keeps us really busy with language and technical training. And they also do not permit being out of the training site at night, though that maybe Guatemala specific.

Here is a fun fact. This blog will stop here for the moment, because I have need of a bathroom and I need to go find one.

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